5 points
Best picture: The King's Speech
Best actor: Collin Firth (The King's Speech)
Best actress: Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
3 points
Best supporting actor: Christain Bale (The Fighter)
Best supporting actress: Helena Bonham Carter (The king's Speech)
Best animated film: Toy Story 3
Best directing: The Socail Network
2 points
Best original screenplay: Inception
Visual effects: Inception
Music (original song): Toy Stroy 3
Music (original score): The Social Network
Best Makeup: The Wolfman
1 point(s)
Best forigen language film: Incendies (Canada)
Best adapted screenplay: 127 Hours
"The Cheapest"
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Assignment #9: If I Had $100
Hello there! For this assignment we were told to research some different organizations that sell ethical gifts for developing and third world countries. Also we were given $100 each to see what ethical gifts we would buy and why. Since there's a few steps, I'm going to do this in different steps.
Oxfam: Oxfam is an organization that helps find the causes of poverty in developing and third world countries and how to stop it. There are many different donations you can give, but the cheque donations don't always go to a family/country, sometimes they keep them for them self. A percent of money may go to a family but the rest my go to the organization for their advertising (etc).
The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army does many different things! The Salvation Army is more community based and does not have a wide selection of ethical gifts, but something is better than nothing! A few of the gifts they give are; miscellaneous, a gift they chose for you, mosquito nets (etc)
Plan Canada: This organization is worldwide working with many people to support children in developing and third world countries. Plan Canada has a wide selection of gifts, mostly gifts that go straight to the family. Some of their gifts are; girls-only latrines and three baby chicks (etc).
World Vison: World Vision works with children, families and communities to help them come over poverty and injustice. There are child sponsorship, gift cards and ethical gifts, and some of those are; educate a girl, 5 fruit trees (etc).
What Is A Ethical Gift?
Ethical gift giving is giving a gift to a child, family or community that matters and will bring hope and change to their lives. Ethical gift giving works by going on to a organization website to order the gift you want to give because you think it matters and will help someone. You can also phone and tell a worker what you want to buy. There is a large selection of gifts from each organization and some of those are; bicycles (O), water (TSA), birth certificate (PC), educate a girl (WV). There are many more these are just one from each organization.
If I had $100?
The organizations that I have chosen for my purchases are World Vision,Plan Canada and Oxfam. I chose these organizations because they had the largest selection of ethical gifts with a wide variation of gifts. The gifts I chose are 'Educate a Girl', 'Art and Play Therapy In Haiti', and a 'Mosquito Net'. The reason why I chose 'Educate a Girl' is because in developing and third world countries girls are forced to stay home doing the chores, taking care of younger siblings and don't have the chance for an education. Last year Haiti was hit with a horrendous earthquake that shook them and their country. With this gift it can give children a chance to have joy for once and express themselves and put their minds somewhere else. The mosquito nets protect children and adults from mosquito's which cause "malaria", which can kill if it gets bad! I chose it because in third world and developing countries they don't have the protection we do, and we these they can. I will spend $60 on 'Educate a Girl', $25 on the 'Art and Play Therapy in Haiti' and last but not least $20 on one 'Mosquito Net', with a total of $105! (Educate a Girl:World Vision., Art and Play Therapy:Plan Canada, Mosquito Net:Oxfam).
Oxfam: Oxfam is an organization that helps find the causes of poverty in developing and third world countries and how to stop it. There are many different donations you can give, but the cheque donations don't always go to a family/country, sometimes they keep them for them self. A percent of money may go to a family but the rest my go to the organization for their advertising (etc).
The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army does many different things! The Salvation Army is more community based and does not have a wide selection of ethical gifts, but something is better than nothing! A few of the gifts they give are; miscellaneous, a gift they chose for you, mosquito nets (etc)
Plan Canada: This organization is worldwide working with many people to support children in developing and third world countries. Plan Canada has a wide selection of gifts, mostly gifts that go straight to the family. Some of their gifts are; girls-only latrines and three baby chicks (etc).
World Vison: World Vision works with children, families and communities to help them come over poverty and injustice. There are child sponsorship, gift cards and ethical gifts, and some of those are; educate a girl, 5 fruit trees (etc).
What Is A Ethical Gift?
Ethical gift giving is giving a gift to a child, family or community that matters and will bring hope and change to their lives. Ethical gift giving works by going on to a organization website to order the gift you want to give because you think it matters and will help someone. You can also phone and tell a worker what you want to buy. There is a large selection of gifts from each organization and some of those are; bicycles (O), water (TSA), birth certificate (PC), educate a girl (WV). There are many more these are just one from each organization.
If I had $100?
The organizations that I have chosen for my purchases are World Vision,Plan Canada and Oxfam. I chose these organizations because they had the largest selection of ethical gifts with a wide variation of gifts. The gifts I chose are 'Educate a Girl', 'Art and Play Therapy In Haiti', and a 'Mosquito Net'. The reason why I chose 'Educate a Girl' is because in developing and third world countries girls are forced to stay home doing the chores, taking care of younger siblings and don't have the chance for an education. Last year Haiti was hit with a horrendous earthquake that shook them and their country. With this gift it can give children a chance to have joy for once and express themselves and put their minds somewhere else. The mosquito nets protect children and adults from mosquito's which cause "malaria", which can kill if it gets bad! I chose it because in third world and developing countries they don't have the protection we do, and we these they can. I will spend $60 on 'Educate a Girl', $25 on the 'Art and Play Therapy in Haiti' and last but not least $20 on one 'Mosquito Net', with a total of $105! (Educate a Girl:World Vision., Art and Play Therapy:Plan Canada, Mosquito Net:Oxfam).
Sunday, November 7, 2010
My Absolutely Most Amazing Day!
Today at 12:50pm My mom I left for Urban Oasis to meet the one and only, Angelina Wrona. When we got there my stomach drooped. I looked around and all I could see was her prints, paintings and accessories. Behind the cashier there must have been 100 prints different for people, and one of those people was me. Angelina brought four of her real paintings and one drawing. It was amazing!
I first met her husband who was extremely nice. I was nervous to talk but after a while I kind of got used to it. I thought talking to her husband was hard until I started to talk to Angelina herself.
My mom bought me two more of her prints which she signed, I chose a print which was on paper which she also signed! There was this other women there who was buying prints, she set one of hers down. Angelina thought that print was mine so she signed it to me! My mom ended up buying that print and the women got another one. I ended up getting four prints.
Angelina signed all my prints which said "To Caitlin, Angelina Wrona 2010". I was so ecstatic I could not stop smiling. (I'm serious, I couldn't stop smiling!) My mom mentioned that I also loved art to her husband, then I told her that I dropped off my painting to an art show I was entering. The thing she said to me that I cannot forget was "Good luck with your art."
I first met her husband who was extremely nice. I was nervous to talk but after a while I kind of got used to it. I thought talking to her husband was hard until I started to talk to Angelina herself.
My mom bought me two more of her prints which she signed, I chose a print which was on paper which she also signed! There was this other women there who was buying prints, she set one of hers down. Angelina thought that print was mine so she signed it to me! My mom ended up buying that print and the women got another one. I ended up getting four prints.
Angelina signed all my prints which said "To Caitlin, Angelina Wrona 2010". I was so ecstatic I could not stop smiling. (I'm serious, I couldn't stop smiling!) My mom mentioned that I also loved art to her husband, then I told her that I dropped off my painting to an art show I was entering. The thing she said to me that I cannot forget was "Good luck with your art."
I will never ever forget this day! (Thanks mom!<3)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Assingment #6
Opinion is a flitting thing,
But truth outlasts the Sun--
If we cannot own them both--
Posess the oldest one.
This poem means to me that opinions will always be changing as you grow older and as you learn more and that the truth will never change. An opinion what one person feels strongly about or believes in. The truth is giving an honest answer. This poems also means to me that if it came down to choosing one I would chose the truth because it overrules an opinion and that someone may not always agree with ones opinion.
It should be applied to our society because if everyone knew the truth about one another then we wouldn't bash each other! Also if somebody told somebody else their opinion about you they may only think of you by that meanwhile that's not the only thing your capable of doing. If we knew the truth then a lot of things would be different, but it's going to take a while to know the truth!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Instrument Study
Tenor Saxophone!
The tenor saxophone(B) plays in treble clef and was invented in 1845 and was invented by a Belgian man named Adolphe Sax. Adolphe was born in 1814 and studied the clarinet and flute. He was looking for a sound between the woodwinds clarinet and the brass trumpet.
The tenor makes a sound of a low pitch and you create sound by placing your mouth about 2/3 way on the the mouthpiece. Then just like you would with your hand, Inhale through your corners of your mouth and then whisper "too" while you exhale.
3.DO NOT leave your reed in your case or else you will not hear the end of it! (I'm serious!)
The instrument that I am playing in school is the "Tenor Saxophone", the tenor is part of the woodwind family and is made of brass, and is the only woodwind that is not made out of wood, and has a single mouthpiece.
The tenor saxophone has 10 parts, and those parts are...
1: mouthpiece
6:octave key
7:left thumb rest
9:right thumb rest
10:bellThe tenor saxophone(B) plays in treble clef and was invented in 1845 and was invented by a Belgian man named Adolphe Sax. Adolphe was born in 1814 and studied the clarinet and flute. He was looking for a sound between the woodwinds clarinet and the brass trumpet.
The tenor makes a sound of a low pitch and you create sound by placing your mouth about 2/3 way on the the mouthpiece. Then just like you would with your hand, Inhale through your corners of your mouth and then whisper "too" while you exhale.
To assemble the tenor you...
1.Gently place the thinner end of the reed into your mouth and moisten it thoroughly.
2.Hold the saxophone by it's upper and gently loosen the neck screw and twist the neck in place. Then tighten the neck screw gently.
3.Gently twist the mouthpiece on to the cork so half the cork is still showing, then place the reed onto the mouthpiece then the ligature.
4.Put the neck strap around your neck and attach the hock on to the ring on the back of the saxophone. Adjust the strap until your comfortable so you are able to put the mouthpiece in your mouth.
5.Place your right thumb on the thumb rest and you left thumb diagonally on the left thumb rest, your fingers should curve themselves. Hold the saxophone correctly!
6.Have Fun!
To sterilize the mouthpiece of the tenor, there is a special cleaner your teacher has mixed with soap and water followed by just water....
1.Place the mouthpiece in the cleaner and swish it around for a few seconds.2.Place the mouthpiece in the plan water then dry the mouthpiece thoroughly.
To properly maintain the tenor saxophone before you play is to...
1.Make sure the instrument is properly put together. Wiggle the neck to make sure it's tight enough and make sure the neck strap is properly connected.
2.Make sure you have sterilize the mouth piece because you don't want to spread germs
To properly maintain the tenor saxophone after you play is to...
1.Take the tenor apart carefully just like you were putting it together but the other way.
2.Make sure you have closed the case properly so that the "YAMAHA" is facing up.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Behind My Name
Behind My Name: Caitlin
I know my parents chose this name for me because my mom's favourite book was called "Caitlin". Also my mom and dad thought it was different because it wasn't popular at that time and for it's spelling.
After searching on Baby Name Stats I learned that my name has many different meanings.
~French and Latin: A version of "Catherine" meaning "pure" and "clear"
~Gaelic and Greek: A version of "Catherine" meaning "pure"
~Irish: A version of "Katherine" meaning "pure"
Some other interesting things I learned are that my middle name "Elizabeth" has many different meanings too!
~Arthurian Legend: "Sister of Mark"
~Biblical: "Oath or fullness of God"
~English and Hebrew: "Bountiful" and "plenty"
~Greek: Oath of god and satisfaction
~Shakespearean: "King Richard III Elizabeth, Queen to King Edward IV"
Some Famous people with the name "Elizabeth" are Queen Elizabeth the I and II. Also "Elizabeth" is a very popular name in England because of it's queen. Other famous people with the name "Elizabeth" are Elizabeth Taylor who has acted in "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" , "National Velvet" and many more.
I think my name "Caitlin" does suit me because I think it's different not only from it's spelling but I don't know many people with my name. to be honest I know 1! Also I think my middle name "Elizabeth" suits me because it was my nanny's name.
If I could give myself a new name it would be Adell, because my mom thought of combining her grandma's name which was "Della", but my mom thought "Della" was to old fashioned. So instead my mom put the "A" in front of the "D" for a modern change.
As some of you may know my FAVOURITE show is "The Big Bang Theory", and one of my favourite characters is "Howard Wolowitz". His character in the show is geeky, shy, awkward and is "good with the ladies". When I looked up the name "Howard" on Baby Name Stats his name means...
~English: "Bold Heart"
~Scandinavian: "Noble Watchman"
~Teutonic: "Defender"
So what I'm trying to say here is that his name meanings do not fit his personality. Howard does not have a "bold heart" because he's shy and in yesterday's episode he could not face his ex-girlfriend when she walked by their table. Also he does is not a "noble watchman" because he's some what of a coward and still lives his mother. Lastly Howard is not a defender, he's not brave because he scares easily.
(I would like to thank Baby Name Stats for the information on the name meanings in quotations)
P.S, If you have any questions I don't mind to answer, Thanks
Before I started this assignment, I thought my name was creative because not many people I know have the name "Caitlin" that is spelt my way.
After searching on Baby Name Stats I learned that my name has many different meanings.
~French and Latin: A version of "Catherine" meaning "pure" and "clear"
~Gaelic and Greek: A version of "Catherine" meaning "pure"
~Irish: A version of "Katherine" meaning "pure"
Some other interesting things I learned are that my middle name "Elizabeth" has many different meanings too!
~Arthurian Legend: "Sister of Mark"
~Biblical: "Oath or fullness of God"
~English and Hebrew: "Bountiful" and "plenty"
~Greek: Oath of god and satisfaction
~Shakespearean: "King Richard III Elizabeth, Queen to King Edward IV"
Some Famous people with the name "Elizabeth" are Queen Elizabeth the I and II. Also "Elizabeth" is a very popular name in England because of it's queen. Other famous people with the name "Elizabeth" are Elizabeth Taylor who has acted in "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof" , "National Velvet" and many more.
I think my name "Caitlin" does suit me because I think it's different not only from it's spelling but I don't know many people with my name. to be honest I know 1! Also I think my middle name "Elizabeth" suits me because it was my nanny's name.
If I could give myself a new name it would be Adell, because my mom thought of combining her grandma's name which was "Della", but my mom thought "Della" was to old fashioned. So instead my mom put the "A" in front of the "D" for a modern change.
As some of you may know my FAVOURITE show is "The Big Bang Theory", and one of my favourite characters is "Howard Wolowitz". His character in the show is geeky, shy, awkward and is "good with the ladies". When I looked up the name "Howard" on Baby Name Stats his name means...
~English: "Bold Heart"
~Scandinavian: "Noble Watchman"
~Teutonic: "Defender"
So what I'm trying to say here is that his name meanings do not fit his personality. Howard does not have a "bold heart" because he's shy and in yesterday's episode he could not face his ex-girlfriend when she walked by their table. Also he does is not a "noble watchman" because he's some what of a coward and still lives his mother. Lastly Howard is not a defender, he's not brave because he scares easily.
(I would like to thank Baby Name Stats for the information on the name meanings in quotations)
P.S, If you have any questions I don't mind to answer, Thanks
Stolen Jackpot!
My opinions are that the clerk and his children are extremely greedy and ungrateful. When you think about this clerk will have to live with scamming a costumer of 12.1 million dollars for the rest of his life. Unfortunately the costumer may never know he has that money.
If I were in this situation I don't really know what I would do? If I bought a ticket and the clerk said I didn't win, I would never know if the clerk is lying or not because I have no proof. If I suspected that the clerk was lying, I would ask for my ticket back and check it else where, because I do have the right to do that!

If I were in this situation I don't really know what I would do? If I bought a ticket and the clerk said I didn't win, I would never know if the clerk is lying or not because I have no proof. If I suspected that the clerk was lying, I would ask for my ticket back and check it else where, because I do have the right to do that!
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